Press [Enter], type the code,
and then hit [Enter]. -----------------------------------------------
"code" "result"
----------------------------------------------- DANGEROUS - Unlimited Weapons, health pak's
STORMY - Rainy
WAY NO MONEY - +5000
DONE - Win scenario
YOYO - Invincible
CHUMP - Incincible
TUFF ASS - Super weapons
Cheats by NightRaider NOTE:
In some Versions, press "M" to display the chat prompt.
Then, type in the codes and press [Enter] to activate
the corresponding cheat function...
- Gametips -
Tip 1
When in doubt, hit the F key. Although the AI doesn't
always pick the right answer, its response often helps
take the heat off of you for a moment. Tip 2
Don't get caught up with putting out fires. Once you
gain the upper hand on a planet, trust your base defenses
to hold long enough on their own for you to polish off the
enemy bases yourself. Tip 3
Always build an infantry factory first. With their help
and good enough tank skills, you can take most initial
enemy bases. Save the flashier units for when you have